The Call That Is Changing The World

Not  to condem, scorn, upset, harass, aggitate,  disturb, bash, put down or provoke anyone in anyway.  During these failed times, we do not have to participate in this madness, confusion and despire state that we are currently facing.  The alternative  is that we as entrepreneurs can stand up, stand tall and stand out in a crumbing and decaing world. First we as individuals need to show a little love and compassion for those among us that are in deserving need of motivation, incouragement, and resolves. Then we need  to instill in them that they to have within them what it takes to be successful if they get serious about the matter, commit  and apply themselves to the task. Our combined efforts could change many lives across the world by helping one person at a time to see the light and commit to raising themselves up by their own bootstraps and with just a little input and encouragement from a mentor.

In trying to offer some compassion, grace, mercy  and assistance to those around us and lest fortionate than we are, we will inhance our own resources and strengths and attrack more abundance into our own lives which will causse all tides to rise up in level, worth and value.

So I am reaching out to you today. II am reaching out to you today by extending my hands to you.  I am extending my hands across the Globe and into the universe to reach  every dwelling  and  to touch and make life better for all that abodes in them.

I am asking  every one that sees this message and hear “The Speech” to do an ack of kindness in some one elses life by reaching out in some way to share in their life .

If you have special gifts, skills and talents in business, entrepreneurship, or training that you would like to use in a way to help others to better their life that you would like to Share. 
You can join this great cause today by  putting your name and email in the box on this page. Join the Reach Speech Now!