Desire- How big is your passion to Succeed

I had a desire to start a business.  I  WANTED  a business of my own for these reasons:
I  like to build , make or produce something that does NOT exist yet.  I wanted to have control over something- a thing or object that gives value,  Fulfill a need, different from anything else,  really good, create excitement,  enjoyable,  and once  used or consumed by someone,  it made them feel so good  and they liked it so much that they would run tell and share it with all their family, friends, relatives, co-workers, acquaintances  and associates.
I thought about this for sometime-a year or two maybe.  I would sometimes dream about this idea.  I started writing poems, then songs. attempted a short story or two, then how to booklets, manuals  self-help reports, do-it-yourself and how to guides.  Next I ventured into publishing advertising mail order magazines and started selling my own information and then started selling ad space and running ads for others in my mail order publications.
Along with placing ads in my own magazine, I would also place ads in other publishers company magazines.  I even got a lot of free publicity and exposure by other magazines  writing reviews on some of my books, articles  and reports.  This form of writing, producing, publishing and marketing / selling information is called (I.B.B.) Information Broker Business.
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